The role of Surgical Clerkship Director is challenging, important, and deserving of special recognition. The ASE Academy of Clerkship Directors (ACD) was established in 2015 to recognize Surgery Clerkship Directors for their commitment to excellence in undergraduate surgical education. This is demonstrated by membership and involvement in the ASE, participation in faculty development around undergraduate education, years involved in surgical education and scholarly activity. In addition, receiving “Fellow” Certification may allow Clerkship Directors to obtain more resources and other support for educational endeavors, improving the overall quality of surgical education. Certification and Membership attests to leadership, experience and expertise while Academy Mentor designation recognizes those educators who demonstrate additional commitment to serve as role-models and mentors to other clerkship directors and surgical educators.
Verification of credentials for Academy membership will be determined by an Oversight Committee (OC) under the direction of the ASE Board of Directors (BOD). The OC will be composed of the current Clerkship Directors Committee Chair and Vice-Chair, and a BOD Representative, currently the ASE Secretary. Once verification by the OC that all criteria are met, “Fellow” status is conveyed to the member. Certificates documenting Fellowship in the Academy of Clerkship Directors will be awarded at the ASE Annual Meeting.
After 5 years, for those who are still Clerkship Directors, or still directly related to teaching students, and want to continue in the Academy, they will need to submit a 0.5-1 page summary of their current role, to be reviewed by the CD Chair and Vice Chair to change their designation to “Master.” For those who have moved on to other roles, but are still interested in mentoring others, they should submit a 0.5 page summary of their current role(s) and change their designation to “Emeritus.” For those who are no longer interested in the Academy, please let the ASE office know so that they may be removed from the contact list. The information may be submitted to the ASE office at [email protected].
Academy members are encouraged to participate as speakers for the Updates on the Surgery Clerkship (formerly Trouble Shooting Your Clerkship) Course and engage in other activities (workshops at ASE Annual Meeting, collaboration with the ACS, selected projects) of the Clerkship Directors Committee and the ASE.
Application for certification entails the following requirements:
- Applicants must be active ASE members
- Total of 12 or more credits required for certification
- Credit system criteria:
- 2 credits per year of being Clerkship Director
- 1 credit each for:
- Podium educationally oriented presentation at ASE, ACS, or equivalent
- Published educational research articles in a peer review journal
- Chair/Vice Chair of an ASE committee
- Attended ACS “Surgeons as Educators” course
- Attended the ASE Updates on the Surgery Clerskhip (formerly Trouble Shooting Your Clerkship) Course
- ASE SERF Program Participant
- ASE SELF Program Participant
- 3 credits for completion of a mentored project in clerkship development as either Mentor or Mentee
- 0.5 – 2 credits per year for associate/assistant CD position depending on role (must have letter of recommendation from CD describing role)
- Credit for additional activities (to be determined at the discretion of the OC)
- National Teaching Award (1 credit)
- Institutional Teaching Award (0.5 credit)
- Other Service awards or educational activities (0.5-1 credit)
- Credit system criteria:
Additionally, applicants are required to upload the following supporting documents:
- Two letters of recommendation from your education institution
- Curriculum Vitae
- Educators Portfolio (Please note: the portfolio should include any podium educationally oriented presentations at ASE, ACS, or equivalent and published educational research articles in a peer review journal)
- A photo of yourself
- Additional documents to support educational activities
Fee of $200 submitted with application. Secure, online payments can be made via the online form.
For any questions, please contact [email protected]