Ryland Stucke, MD1, Kari Rosenkranz, MD1, Jenaya Goldwag, MD1, Abbey Fingeret, MD2; 1Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, 2University of Nebraska Medical Center
Committee on Assessment and Evaluation
Background: Surgical training is evolving, in part, due to the changing learning styles of the millennial generation and the rapid increase web-based resources and technology available to surgical trainees. However, the use and implementation of web-based technology is currently sporadic and highly program dependent. Similarly, the evaluation of trainees is evolving towards a competency based model with more frequent, low stakes assessment. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of formal assessments required for surgical trainees in recent years (ie: GAGES endoscopic evaluations, trial EPAs, intra-operative technical evaluations, end of rotation evaluations, etc). No mainstream, uniform platform exists to assist in dissemination of educational and/or evaluation tools. Multiple institutional and private efforts to address this problem have developed, some with good success.
We propose a workshop to review the available web-based resources available to programs for education and assessment. We will discuss the advantages and limitations of these resources, and we will discuss if there are currently unmet needs. The idea for this workshop evolved out of a discussion at the ASE Evaluation and Assessment committee. A similar workshop focusing on UME resources was run by Dr. Abbey Fingeret 2 years ago, and was met with significant interest and good attendance. This would be run as a similar workshop, although focused on GME.
Workshop Format: The workshop would be broken into 4 sections.
1. A review of millennial learning styles particular to modern surgical trainees
2. Review of existing electronic platforms for resident education
- Pros/Cons of each resource and its potential role in a residency program
3. Review of existing electronic platforms for resident evaluation
4. Small Group Exercise: Design an ideal app for resident evaluations. What is the ideal app for resident evaluation? Is there merit to a single, standardized platform for assessment and evaluation?
Take Home points:
1. The advantages and limitations of electronic educational and assessment tools.
2. Training about specific tools that might be implemented by residency programs.
3. Discussion about a possible common platform by which assessment tools are available to all programs.