View the 2025 ASE Annual Meeting At-A-Glance Program Below
Subject to change
Activities with a * beside them, denotes a CME session
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
6:30 AM – 5:30 PM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
Registration & ASE Membership Booth
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM & 6:30PM – 7:30PM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
Exhibit Hall Open
6:00 AM – 5:30 PM | Medina Room | 3rd Floor
Nursing Room -please visit the registration desk for a key card
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Metropolitan Ballroom B | 3rd Floor
The Surgical Education Research Fellowship program (SERF)
8:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Issaquah Room | 3rd Floor
The Surgical Education and Leadership Fellowship (SELF) Session
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Aspen Room | 2nd Floor
Trainee Lounge: Trainees will once again have a private lounge, allowing them to take a break from the main action of the annual APDS and ASE meetings, network with peers, society leadership, and enjoy refreshments
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM | Issaquah Room | 3rd Floor
The Surgical Education and Leadership Fellowship (SELF) Wrap Up
Course descriptions and more details can be viewed here
7:00 AM – 4:30 PM | Metropolitan Ballroom B | 3rd Floor
*Updates on the Surgery Clerkship
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Greenwood Room | 3rd Floor
Fundamentals of a Career in Surgical Education (FACSE): Pathway to Clinician Educator
8:00 AM – 2:15 PM | Leschi Room | 3rd Floor
Vice Chair of Education Career Development Workshop
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Issaquah Room | 3rd Floor
Fundamentals of Teaching
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Greenwood Room | 3rd Floor
Simulation-Based Practices for Teaching Coaching, Mentorship, and Leadership Skills to Surgeon Educators
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
ASE/APDS Reception: Join us for an evening of collaboration and connection as the Association of Surgical Education and the Association of Program Directors host this Joint Networking Reception. Enjoy refreshments while expanding your professional network and discussing the latest advancements and challenges in the medical field.
Thursday, May 8, 2025
6:30 AM – 6:30 PM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
Registration & ASE Membership Booth
6:30 AM – 6:30 PM | Columbia | 4th Floor Union Tower
Nursing Room -please visit the registration desk for a key card
6:30 AM – 6:30 PM | Greenwood Room | 3rd Floor
Quiet Zone: intended for attendees seeking a peaceful respite from the conference activities.
7:00 AM – 10:00 AM | Jefferson, University & Virginia Rooms | 4th Floor Pike Street Tower
Concurrent Committee Meetings – View the 2025 Committee Meeting Schedule
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM | Ballard Room | 3rd Floor
Clerkship Coordinator Track Program: Calling all Clerkship Coordinators! We invite you to join us for our own learning experience dedicated to the role the Clerkship Coordinators have in the education of medical students while going through their Surgery Clerkship. Our track will focus on our work and how we can do it better, our specific challenges, and innovative ways we can continue to meet the needs of our changing student populations. This track is great to network with coordinators across the country and share best practices. The group continues to meet on a monthly basis after the annual meeting. Registration for the Coordinator Track Program also includes admission to the Updates on the Surgery Clerkship (formerly Troubleshooting Your Clerkship) Pre-Meeting Course taking place on Wednesday, May 7th and to the ASE Annual Meeting. View the Clerkship Coordinator Track Program agenda here
Please note, this course is designed for Clerkship Coordinators. Residency Coordinators / Administrators should contact the ARAS/APDS for residency coordinator programming.
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Leschi, Medina & Kirkland Rooms | 3rd Floor
The Surgical Education Research Fellowship program (SERF)
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
Exhibit Hall Open
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Aspen Room | 2nd Floor
Trainee Lounge: Trainees will once again have a private lounge, allowing them to take a break from the main action of the annual APDS and ASE meetings, network with peers, society leadership, and enjoy refreshments
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Cirrus Ballroom | 4th Floor Pike Street Tower
APDS/ASE Finding Aspiring Surgeons for Tomorrow (FAST) Community Outreach Event: Join the ASE and APDS as they host the annual Finding Aspiring Surgeons of Tomorrow (FAST) High School Outreach Event during Surgical Education Week. Students from the local Seattle High Schools will rotate through different stations encouraging them to consider a career in healthcare.
Sign up here to volunteer and help during the FAST event.
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Issaquah Room | 3rd Floor
The Surgical Education and Leadership Fellowship (SELF)
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Ravenna ABC | 3rd Floor
SERC Shark Tank: Join us in the Shark Tank presented by the ASE Surgical Education Research Committee (SERC). This session aims to support multi-institutional research projects that will advance scientific knowledge and aim to improve undergraduate, graduate, or continuing surgical education. Selected proposals will be invited to present their research “Shark Tank” style to ASE members during the ASE 2025 Annual Meeting. Research projects will be presented in a dynamic, fast-paced environment and feedback will be given from a panel of seasoned experts – the “sharks”. The audience will have the chance to vote for their favorite proposal, which also help inform the Surgical Education Research Committee on selecting the winning proposal. Additionally, presenters will be able to seek additional sites interested in participating in well-defined multi-institutional surgical education research projects, issues, and recruitment of additional partner sites.
12:00 PM – 12:20 PM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
*Welcome Remarks – ASE Annual Meeting begins
12:20 PM – 1:50 PM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 1st Floor
*APDS/ASE Joint Panel – Nurturing Surgical Families to Build a More Inclusive Surgical Workplace
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Diamond A&B| 1st Floor
Surgical Fellowships: Challenges and Opportunities
Addressing and supporting the needs of surgery trainees has been widely addressed, however fewer resources have been engaged in the training of fellows. Using Surgical Critical Care as the model we will discuss how any surgical fellowship can smoothly integrate and mutually benefit from the general surgery program at the institution, evaluation and remediation in the condensed period of a fellowship, the essential role of the fellowship coordinator and the unique challenges of fellowships including career planning and real world issues.
1:55 PM – 2:55 PM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
*J. Roland Folse Invited Lecture
Speaker: Olle ten Cate, Ph.D.
Introduction by: Mohsen Shabahang, MD, Ph.D.
Topic: Entrustable Professional Activities in Surgery: the Rationale, the Challenges, and the Opportunities
Overview: Join Professor Olle ten Cate as he discusses how EPAs were conceived to operationalize competency-based training. Since their inception, about two decades ago, several countries adopted EPAs in graduate medical programs at local, regional and national levels, as well as in undergraduate programs in various health disciplines. Since EPAs in surgery have become more established, implementation issues have begged for attention. This presentation will recapitulate the reasons to introduce EPAs, address their core rationale, and will focus on implementation, to serve the purpose of this innovation in competency-based education: clear goals, adequate supervision, and improved outcomes of training
2:55 PM – 3:20 PM | Grand Ballroom Foyer | 2nd Floor
3:20 PM – 4:20 PM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
*Plenary Session I
4:25 PM – 5:25 PM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
*Panel I – Getting EPAs up and running: Troubleshooting your EPA implementation
Session Description: This panel will explore the challenges and solutions in implementing Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in general surgery residency programs, as required by the American Board of Surgery. Experts from both community and academic settings will share their experiences, discuss barriers, and provide practical strategies for overcoming them. Attendees will learn how to effectively integrate EPAs, enhance their use, and address common implementation obstacles. This session is valuable for program directors, faculty, residents, and coordinators in surgical education, with insights applicable across specialties.
Session Objective 1: Recognize the challenges to EPA implementation
Session Objective 2: Develop solutions to the challenges of EPA implementation
Session Objective 3: Differentiate the challenges and solutions based on program type and setting
5:25 PM – 5:30 PM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
*ASE | Day 1 – Closing Remarks
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM | Issaquah Room | 3rd Floor
SELF Alumni Social
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM | Issaquah Room | 3rd Floor
SELF Wrap Up Reception and Forum – open to all attendees
5:35 PM – 6:35PM | Poster Sessions | 2nd Floor
Poster Session I Assessment | Redwood A
Poster Session II Curriculum Development | Redwood B
Poster Session III Simulation | Willow A
Poster Session IV Recruitment & Selection / Other | Willow B
Poster Session V Faculty Development & Leadership | Cedar A&B
6:40 PM – 8:00 PM | Ravenna ABC | 3rd Floor
Candlelight Session: The Committee on Citizenship and Global Responsibility (CGR) is pleased to host the Candlelight Session. The session gives impetus to ongoing activities pertaining to social issues and invigorates new missions – it seeks to give maximum exposure to ongoing programs across the world. Surgical Educators have traditionally led citizenship and social responsibility activities in medicine and with the changing education landscape, this program promoting innovative education is both relevant and timely.
Friday, May 9, 2025
6:45 AM – 6:30 PM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
Registration & ASE Membership Booth
7:00 AM – 6:30 PM | Medina Room | 3rd Floor
Nursing Room -please visit the registration desk for a key card
7:00 AM – 7:00 PM | Greenwood Room | 3rd Floor
Quiet Zone: intended for attendees seeking a peaceful respite from the conference activities.
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM | Jefferson, University & Virginia Rooms | 4th Floor Pike Street Tower
Concurrent Committee Meetings – View the 2025 Committee Meeting Schedule
7:30AM – 8:00AM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
Morning Refreshments: Open to all SEW & ASE attendees
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM | Diamond A&B | 1st Floor
Clerkship Coordinator Track Program
View the Clerkship Coordinator Track Program agenda here
8:00 AM – 8:10 AM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
*Day 2 Welcome Remarks
8:10 AM – 9:10 AM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
*Presidential Address: ASE President Mohsen Shabahang, MD, PhD delivers this year’s Presidential Address.
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
Exhibit Hall Open
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Aspen Room | 2nd Floor
Trainee Lounge: Trainees will once again have a private lounge, allowing them to take a break from the main action of the annual APDS and ASE meetings, network with peers, society leadership, and enjoy refreshments
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
*Panel II – Career Transitions: New Missions for Senior Surgeons and Educators as Role Models and Leaders
Session Description: The session will feature previous leaders of the Association for Surgical Education as they describe their personal journey beyond their official formal roles and titles as to what has brought meaning to their life and how they continue to serve and contribute as role models and leaders for subsequent generations.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
• Objective 1: Understand what makes a leader and how to continue to lead and mentor subsequent generations
• Objective 2: Become knowledgeable about avenues available after completing formal roles and titles in education
• Objective 3: Determine pathways through which the Association for Surgical Education could cultivate and capture the energies of such individuals
10:15 AM – 10:45 AM | Grand Ballroom Foyer | 2nd Floor
Break with Exhibitors
10:15AM – 10:45AM | Grand Ballroom Foyer | 2nd Floor
2025 ATLAS Competition: The Association of Surgical Education is excited to announce the return of the Annual ATLAS Competition. The ATLAS (Advanced Training in Laparoscopic Suturing) program is a curriculum that teaches and assesses advanced laparoscopic suturing skills and has been shown to improve clinical performance. Stop by the exhibit hall May 7th and 8th to register a score. The final head to head will take place during the 10:15 break and this year’s champions will be crowned.
10:45 AM – 12:00 PM | *Podium Sessions
Podium Session I A Assessment | Redwood A&B | 2nd Floor
Podium Session I B Education Technology | Cedar A&B | 2nd Floor
Podium Session I C DEI | Willow A&B | 2nd Floor
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM | Grand Ballroom D | 2nd Floor
Thinking Out of the Box Session: The Committee on Assessment, Curriculum, and Evaluation (ACE) presents Thinking Out of the Box. Presenters in this session have been tasked with showcasing creative and novel ideas used in their institution that have not yet been subjected to scientific scrutiny. These include but are not limited to, creative teaching methods, new assessment tools, practical faculty development programs, new usage of information technology in the educational enterprise and innovations for interdisciplinary educational courses.
Optional Lunch: All registered attendees of the ASE Annual Meeting or Surgical Education Week are welcome to attend this session. An optional lunch will be available for an additional fee paid with meeting registration. Lunch tickets are $50 and must be purchased in advance.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
Laycock Guest Lecture
Speaker: Amer Kaissi, Ph.D.
Introduction by: Nabil Issa, MD
Topic: Humbitious Leadership in Times of Change: How to Connect with Humility & Elevate with Ambition
Overview: In today’s dynamic landscape, improving empowerment, inclusion and acknowledgment is an uphill battle for most leaders. In this session, Amer shows that leaders who have the confidence to make hard decisions in uncertain environments and the humility to listen and make others feel heard, can better connect with their team members, while empowering and including them. Building on the latest research evidence and his experience as a coach with high-level executives, he makes a convincing argument that humbitious leadership is the best way to lead for empowerment, inclusion and acknowledgment.
In this transformative talk, leaders will be able to immediately implement proven strategies to:
• Discover the power of self-awareness, open-mindedness and appreciation
• Develop leadership skills and behaviors that balance humility with ambition
• Build humbitious cultures with empowerment, inclusion and acknowledgment
1:00 PM – 4:30 PM | University & Seneca Rooms | 4th Floor Union Street Tower
The Surgical Education Research Fellowship program (SERF)
2:05 PM – 3:05 PM | *Podium Sessions
Podium Session II A Wellness / Other | Redwood A&B | 2nd Floor
Podium Session II B Global Surgical Education | Cedar A&B | 2nd Floor
Podium Session II C Faculty Development | Willow A&B | 2nd Floor
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM | Grand Ballroom Foyer | 2nd Floor
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM *Workshops | learn more about the 2025 workshops here
3:30PM – 5PM (90 Min Workshops) | 3:30PM – 5PM (90 Min Workshops) | 3:30PM – 4:15PM (45 Min Workshops) | 4:20PM – 5:05PM (45 Min Workshops) |
Workshop 1: The Underperforming Faculty Member Grand Ballroom D 2nd Floor | Workshop 3: Implementing a Cultural Dexterity Curriculum in Surgical Residencies: Ravenna ABC 3rd Floor | Workshop 5: Mitigating Bias in Resident and Medical Student Recruitment Ballard 3rd Floor | Workshop 7: Challenges with professional identity among faculty of Independent Academic Medical Centers Ballard 3rd Floor |
Workshop 2: Leveraging AI for Research: Transforming Ideas into Scholarly Publications *laptop required Willow A&B 2nd Floor | Workshop 4: New and Early Career Simulation Educators: How to Start and Continue to Grow a Simulation Program Issaquah 3rd Floor | Workshop 6: Fostering Growth Mindsets in Surgical Trainees: The Educator’s Toolkit Leschi 3rd Floor | Workshop 8: Fundamentals of Communication in Surgery Leschi 3rd Floor |
5:10 PM – 6:10 PM | *Podium Sessions
Podium Session III A Curriculum Development | Redwood A&B | 2nd Floor
Podium Session III B Recruitment Selection | Cedar A&B | 2nd Floor
Podium Session III C Potpourri | Willow A&B | 2nd Floor
6:15 PM – 7:00 PM | Willow Foyer | 2nd Floor
Trainee Networking and Mentor Meet Up Reception
6:15 PM – 7:00 PM | Metropolitan Ballroom Foyer | 3rd Floor
Pre-Banquet Reception
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Metropolitan Ballroom | 3rd Floor
Awards Banquet
Saturday, May 10, 2025
6:45 AM – 11:00 AM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
Registration & ASE Membership Booth
6:45 AM – 11:00 AM | Medina Room | 3rd Floor
Nursing Room – please visit the registration desk for a key card
7:00 AM – 2:00 PM | Greenwood Room | 3rd Floor
Quiet Zone: intended for attendees seeking a peaceful respite from the conference activities.
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM | Jefferson, University & Virginia Rooms | 4th Floor Pike Street Tower
Concurrent Committee Meetings – View the 2025 Committee Meeting Schedule
7:30AM – 8:00AM | Grand Ballroom Pre-Function | 2nd Floor
Morning Refreshments: Open to all SEW & ASE attendees
8:00 AM – 12:30 AM | Ballard Room | 2nd Floor
Clerkship Coordinator Track Program
View the Clerkship Coordinator Track Program agenda here
8:00 AM – 8:10 AM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
Day 3 Welcome Remarks
8:10 AM – 9:10 AM| Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
Panel III – Cutting Through the Controversy: Great Debates in Surgical Education
Session Description: This interactive debate will explore the controversial topic of the educational value of pass/fail exams and clerkship grades for medical students. Residents will argue both sides of the issue, providing opening statements, rebuttals, and cross-examinations in a structured Lincoln-Douglas format. The debate encourages critical thinking, open-mindedness, and deeper understanding of conflicting ideologies in surgical education. Attendees will gain insights into the complexities of the topic and leave with a more informed perspective. This session is designed to engage educators in thoughtful, respectful debate, fostering new perspectives on key issues in surgical education.
Session Objective 1: Acquire a new perspective or insight into a controversial topic in surgical education.
Session Objective 2: Recognize the importance of structured conflict, in the form of debate, in better understanding both sides of an argument.
Session Objective 3: Apply education theory to both sides of a controversial issue in surgical education.
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
Panel IV – Global Perspectives on Simulation in Surgical Education: From DIY to Advanced Training
Session Description: Simulation training is a vital part of modern surgical education and its importance in surgical training has been explored in various literature. However, most of these studies are being published from North America. Different countries and regions
have their own approaches to incorporate simulation training in surgical education. This session will bring together surgical educators from around the world to give a global perspective on the state of simulation training. It will provide a view of the global landscape, from low-cost DIY setups to advanced training centers with cutting edge technologies, giving a broad overview of how different countries approach surgical simulation. The session will have case studies of countries with basic setups vs. those with cutting-edge technology, and will highlight the diversity in funding, access to resources, and training infrastructure. Each panelist will give an overview of simulation use in their region, success stories and challenges, resource availability, curriculum integration, role of government and private institutions in supporting simulation training. We will
summarize the common challenges, give our view on how we can break these geographical and economic barriers and get simulation to trainees around the world.
We will engage the audience with panelists through a live Q&A, addressing specific questions on implementation, challenges, and future directions.
Session Objective 1: Compare different global approaches to simulation training in surgical education by identifying key differences in resource
availability, funding, and curriculum integration across diverse regions.
Session Objective 2: Evaluate the effectiveness of low-cost simulation setups versus advanced technologies in improving surgical training
outcomes, and assess how these methods can be adapted to different economic contexts.
Session Objective 3: Formulate strategies to overcome geographical and economic barriers in surgical simulation training, organize resources, and
implement effective simulation programs in low-resource settings based on insights from the panel discussion.
10:15 AM – 10:45 AM | Grand Ballroom Foyer | 2nd Floor
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
Panel V – Teaching Green: Integrating Environmental Responsibility into Surgical Training
Session Description: This session will explore the role of surgeons in addressing climate change, focusing on reducing carbon emissions in surgical practice. Healthcare contributes significantly to global carbon emissions, with the operating room being a major area for improvement. This panel will present evidence on carbon sources in surgical services and highlight interventions to mitigate their impact. Surgical educators will gain insights into how to incorporate environmental sustainability into surgical training, empowering the next generation of environmentally-conscious surgeons.
Session Objective 1: Identify the main sources of carbon emissions from surgical services.
Session Objective 2: Rank potential interventions to mitigate the impact of surgical services on climate change by feasibility and effectiveness.
Session Objective 3: Integrate climate change science with healthcare quality improvement into curricular solutions to mitigate climate change.
Session Objective 4: Recognize the role for surgical educators in training the next generation of environmentally conscious surgeons.
11:50 PM – 12:05 PM | Grand Ballroom ABC | 2nd Floor
Closing Remarks & Award Announcements – Join us in Atlanta April 28th – May 2nd for ASE 2026!