Arrange the proposals in order of preferenceCreation of a Multi-Generational Mentoring Network in an Academic Surgery DepartmentMastering the Use of Intraoperative Retractors: An Innovative Hands-On Curriculum for Surgical ResidentsASE / APDS Collaboration to Adopt a Standardized Letter of Recommendation (SLOR) for General Surgery Residency CandidatesDecoding the Impact of Preference Signals on General Surgery Residency Selection: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Program Directors, Applicants, and Medical Student AdvisorsBeating Imposter Syndrome: Developing a Small Group Curriculum for Surgical TraineesRevolutionizing Surgical Education: The Knowledge Donor Program's Impact on Resident Competency DevelopmentThe Effect of Vigilance on Trainees in the Surgical Education EnvironmentAdditional FeedbackPlease describe any feedback you have for the Shark Tank Session. Please also provide any specific feedback you may have for presenters. Please note which presentation you are referring to in your comments. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.