Any ASE member in good standing is welcome to join any standing committee at two times during the year. If you are interested in joining a committee, be sure to attend the committee meeting held in the Spring/Fall (prior to, at, or following the ASE Annual Meeting or the ACS Clinical Congress). The ASE Office will send a committee meeting invitation/RSVP email to all ASE members prior to the ASE Annual Meeting or ACS Clinical Congress, be sure to RSVP to receive the meeting information. If after attending the committee meeting(s), you have confirmed that you would like to join, you must fill out a Committee Join form which will be provided by the ASE Office. For any additional questions on this process, contact the ASE office at [email protected].
Many of the goals and objectives of the Association are met through the work of the following ASE committees:
- Committee on Assessment, Curriculum, and Evaluation
- Committee on Citizenship and Global Responsibility
- Committee on Clerkship Directors
- Committee on Communications
- Committee on Coordinators of Surgical Education
- Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Committee on Faculty Development
- Committee on Graduate Surgical Education
- Committee on Membership
- Committee on Surgical Education Research
- Committee on Simulation
- Committee on Trainees
- Committee on Vice Chair of Education (VCE)
The Assessment, Curriculum and Evaluation Committee’s mission is to enhance the capacity of ASE members in four areas: learner assessment, faculty evaluation, program evaluation, and measurement principles as related to surgical education research. In so doing, we hope to enhance best practices in our field for such things as the ACGME milestones reporting, PGY-1 supervision standards, and the ABS performance requirements. We also hope to promote research on assessment and evaluation methods. We hope to provide an annual workshop/course on topics related to these domains. New foci of interest and new sub-committee efforts are encouraged.
Committee Chair: Emily Huang, MD
Committee Vice Chair: Tasha Posid, MA, PhD
In line with the ASE’s overall mission of having global impact on surgical education, this committee will support outreach projects and programs which pertain to surgical and educational themes that involve surgeons, residents, or medical students. Such projects might be involved with performing or teaching surgery in countries/areas where resources are scarce, and/or improving healthcare and health awareness in areas of need. The committee will consider all aspects of citizenship and social responsibility and will welcome all ASE members who participate in or who would like to participate in such local, regional, national, or international projects.
Committee Chair: Sabrina Sanchez, MD, MPH
Committee Vice Chair: Olabisi Sheppard, MD
The Clerkship Directors Committee was formed at the ASE meeting in Tucson in March 2006 to provide a forum specifically for Clerkship Directors (CDs) in which they can share ideas and address problems common to all surgery clerkships. These areas may include but not be limited to curriculum, evaluation, resources, and meeting LCME requirements. All Surgery CDs are invited to be members of the committee.
Committee Chair: Matthew Lin, MD
Committee Vice Chair: Justin Wagner, MD
The purpose of this committee is to provide communications oversight for the ASE, promote dissemination of opportunities within the ASE (how to get involved), and promote the ASE externally
Committee Chair: Ming-Li Wang, MD
Committee Vice Chair: John Falcone, MD, MS
The Surgical Education Coordinators Committee is an organization whose mission is to develop resources to support, educate, and inspire student coordinators in surgery. This committee addresses the educational needs of medical students in surgery and is focused on developing effective plans and goals to make the clerkship successful. The Committee provides helpful information and guidance to coordinators and enables them to get involved in group discussions on issues surrounding medical student education. The Committee meets during the Annual Meeting and conducts business via e-mail and conference calls throughout the year
For further information on the Committee on Coordinators, please click here.
Committee Chair: Rolanda Whitford
Committee Vice Chair: Caroline Rhodes
ASE is committed to improving cultural awareness and increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in our organization. As surgeons and educators, we seek to improve the care of our patients as we strive to educate ourselves and champion causes to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in surgery.
Committee Chair: Amanda Cooper, MD
Committee Vice Chair: Sheina Theodore, MD
The purpose of the Faculty Development Committee is to assist the ASE members with teaching responsibilities in their development as surgical educators. The committee sponsors workshops at ASE meetings and has developed materials that can be taken from workshops and meetings and disseminated by attendees to surgical educator colleagues at their home institutions. The Committee has developed a teaching dossier, has completed and published a national study on part time academic faculty, and has completed a national survey on volunteer surgical faculty. Collaboration with the other committees such as the Simulation Committee is ongoing for this project which will produce these modules for members to disseminate to their home institutions.
Committee Chair: Kenneth Lipshy, MD
Committee Vice Chair: Jacob Peschman, MD
The mission of the Graduate Surgical Education committee is to endorse and promote core-competency based best practices in graduate surgical education that are grounded in sound education theory. The Graduate Surgical Education committee (GSE) was formed at the ASE meeting in Salt Lake City in April 2009 to provide a “home” in the ASE for those whose primary focus is graduate medical education. The committee hopes to promote educational scholarship among residency and fellowship program directors, serving as a group in which “best practices” in surgical education research can be shared. In addition, the committee hopes to expand the reach of the ASE by including surgical directors of other specialities who would like an outlet for their surgical education scholarship; we envision that they too could call the ASE their “home” for sharing such work.
Committee Chair: Kimberly Hendershot, MD
Committee Vice Chair: Kshama Jaiswal, MD
The Committee on Membership is tasked with growing the organization by identifying what members perceive as value through ASE membership. Further, we look for opportunities to attract new members whether it be students, trainees, educators, scientists, or human performance engineers. The committee meets twice annually and on teleconference calls. The committee welcomes any individuals interested in helping ASE grow.
Committee Chair: V. Prasad Poola, MBBS
Committee Vice Chair: Sarah Jung, PhD
Promoting the best in research activities of ASE members by encouraging, coordinating, and stimulating all aspects of educational research is the primary goal of this committee. This is achieved by improving communication, coordinating grant review and funding and sponsoring educational activities. Communication includes informing the membership of educational and granting opportunities as well as mentoring capabilities. Educational activities include sponsoring workshops and related activities for the promotion of educational research skills of ASE members. Other activities include the integration and promotion of educational research within the ASE by forming essential liaisons with other committees.
Committee Chair: Priti Parikh, PhD
Committee Vice Chair: Hee Soo Jung, MD
The Committee on Simulation was established in 2009 in response to the increasing role of simulation-based education in surgery. Its mission is to promote the development, adoption, and scientific analysis of simulation-based training for surgeons and related healthcare professionals.
- To provide education in the use of simulation for the training and assessment of surgeons and other healthcare professionals
- To assist individuals in becoming familiar with simulation, provide guidance and resources to get started or expand their knowledge
- To assist simulation centers in improving their offerings and obtaining accreditation as simulation and training institutes
- To serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information for simulators, simulations, and skills training activities
- To foster, support, and encourage development of new models, simulators and simulation scenarios
- To develop and publish guidelines for simulation training
- To provide leadership in surgical simulation
- To promote collaboration with other organizations involved in simulation
- To promote the integration of team-based simulation training
- To develop a repository of information regarding simulators, models, and simulation scenarios
- To promote patient safety and optimize patient-related outcomes through simulation-based training and education
- To promote multi-institutional research studies regarding the development, implementation, and outcomes of surgical simulation
The committee is actively engaged with numerous projects and national collaborative activities.
Committee Chair: Joon Shim, MD, MPH
Committee Vice Chair: Matthew Ritter, MD
The objectives of this committee are to develop a trainee network to promote recruitment, engagement and retention of ASE trainee members; increase trainee representation, leadership, and advocacy on the ASE committees; conduct collaborative research initiatives and scholarly activities; and identify surgical trainee needs and goals for the future of surgical education.
Committee Chair-Resident: Sophia Williams-Perez, MD
Committee Vice Chair-Resident: Steven Thornton, MD
Committee Chair-Medical Student: Alexandria L. Soto
Committee Vice Chair-Medical Student: Mikayla Deckard
Vice Chairs of Education (VCE) are becoming a more prominent part of the leadership team of clinical departments around the country. This important position is becoming increasingly vital to the educational mission of surgical departments. In view of this changing landscape and the fact that the VCEs do not have a very well-defined organization or job description, the objective of the VCE Committee of the ASE is to establish the role of the VCE in the continuum of education from UME to GME to CME; the integration of educators and educational mission; interprofessional education; the overlap of medical schools and health systems; professional development of faculty; support for educational scholarship; conflict resolution and acting as an intermediary between different educational programs; and advocacy for resources and resource allocation to education mission.
Committee Chair: Brigitte Smith, MD, MHPE
Committee Vice Chair: Rebecca Hoffman, MD, MSCE